So yesterday after my modeling debut -- i had to wear pink (UCK!) I saw this sign advertising a blood drive. Normally I donate whenever I can, but today I didn't really want to UNTIL I saw that they had SUBS listed under refreshments! Well yeah, free food will get me to do just about anything. So I went.
I filled out my paperwork and they got me in the chair and the nurse stuck me with the needle, but the vein just wouldn't have it... so after she dug around in my arm for awhile, she asked me if i wanted to try the other arm instead. Since I was bound and determined to get a sub, I said sure. My stomach was a little queasy from her playing hide and go seek with my vein, so I grabbed a scrumptious looking brownie and it was yummy.
Since my faith in this nurse had been tested, I snuck over to another chair w/a new nurse. She got me with the needle, found the vein and I was happily half way through my pint of blood. Then my friend Shawna came over. She told me she was very afraid of needles so I was talking her through the whole thing, and watching her get poked. As all of this was going on and I neared the end of my pint, I started to not feel so good. It was kind of warm in the room we were in and watching Shawna probably wasn't the best idea. So after my pint was over, I told the nurse I wasn't feeling awesome and she made me comfortable while keeping me in the chair. I felt hot, dizzy, and not too good, AND i had to go to the bathroom.
The nurse sent me to the bathroom with a volunteer who was very nice and told me to tell her if I felt any different. As soon as she finished the sentence, I told her I felt different and went down right in the doorway of the bathroom. As the volunteer held the door open so I wouldn't get stuck and people were freaking out, i came to. I stood up and made it into the stall and as I was taking care of business my body told me it wanted to throw up. There I met that yummy brownie all over again. Such excitement for the bathroom.
After all that Ingrid (the volunteer) and I made it back to the room where the blood drive was and I was feeling much better. They advised me not to drive home, so I called Adam and he came and picked me up.
Fortunately, they sent me home with three sandwiches. In hindsight, that was the worst cost-benefit analysis I've ever done.
Mallery will be so proud...