Well, since it's been almost a month since my last post, i've decided to grant you all the greatness of my ramblings. :) jk. This semester is turning out to be way busier than i had hoped for. But it's ok, the countdown to Italy has begun :)
Here's a shocker, it's October 3rd and I'm sitting in my chair in a pool of sweat. It's seriously way too hot outside to be healthy -- for an October.
I've been undergoing a lot of personal reflection recently, not so sure what i've come up with, but maybe some changes are what's in store. I can't wait to go back to b-town and visit all the old classmates.
In other news, I've been camping at least once a week for the past three weeks, I like it :) And today I saw a girl running and didn't even flinch, I can safely say I've lost all desire to exercise again, Mari help! Speaking of Mari, we've decided that the best thing for Jake is to make him a corporation with part owners. Currently there are six of us in on the gig, if you'd like to be part owner of Jacob please send a detailed resume to me and we'll schedule an interview ;)
That's all folks, sorry for the randomness!