Monday, December 13, 2004

christmas card trauma...

i was really excited this year because i came up with a cute way to do my christmas cards (i sound really old...) but anyways, the picture i wanted required an outside shot and hopefully with a lot of snow... well, as most of you know, we haven't been getting any snow... and it sucks... but i finally just said heck with it and took the picture without the snow...

wouldn't you know that just hours after I had taken this picture on December 11th, the snow would fall and fall and fall and keep falling! and I was so upset that the snow came after I took my picture that I just wrote all my christmas cards in plain old cards cuz i'm a meiser... but i had to take another picture cuz i couldn't help myself...

hence, it is all because of my picture taking that we have snow now. Send all signs of gratitudes and sentiments to my house :) and most of all, enjoy the snow!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

happy belated birthday to me! :)

and a thanks to everyone who remembered :)

Luckily my mom didn't forget, although it came down to being questionable and meegan and i will get our cake!!! Hopefully we will each get our cake but THAT my dear friends, is another story...

The Bday was well spent -- minus the working part, BUT i did score free food out of that deal. so it's all good :) My one birthday wish didn't come true and that was being able to snowboard :( Turns out some stupid idiots decided to cut the snow gun hoses at Ripley and now the good riders of Houghton are not even able to hike the run before it opens. Horse nonsense I tell ya. Other than that, my birthday rocked :)

Classes are over on Thursday. This can be taken in good or bad light.. since i have two MAJOR projects due then. And I'm obviously hard at work on them because I am posting in my blog.. right.. but soon after I will be finished.

"If you never set goals, you can't regret not accomplishing them..." Yogi Berra

Thursday, December 02, 2004


A pirtate walks into a bar with the wheel of his ship sticking out of his pants. The bartender says, "Geez that must really hurt!" "Aahhrrrrrr!" the pirate replies. "It's driving me nuts!"

Garsh I love the pirate jokes...

Monday, November 22, 2004

Wausau, Wisconsin

well, my time off from work before I went home for turkey day was well spent. Chris, my friend from high school, had an interview at this company called Greenheck in Wausau, WI. ROAD TRIP!!

First -- here's how we got there... (follow the blue line)

Since Chris was wrapped up with interviews all this morning, I had the luxury of hooking up with my darn good buddy Jake, since Wausau is his home town. I got the best tour this girl could ask for; I saw the ski hill, watched a snowboarding vid at Jake's house, and got to see this awesome skate/snowboard shop.

On the way out of town, Chris informed me of something he had learned from one of the interviewers... WAUSAU IS FULL OF MAD MEN! Apparently, this foreign dude... well, read about it here. Yeah, that's what happened where I was today... CRAZY

Saturday, November 20, 2004

good ole days...

yup, these were it -- the best of times, and the worst of times. I came across these photos because I am still wishing that I was at home with all of these fond, cherishable memories so close..

garsh I loved the christmas parties... these were the days when money was of little to no concern, the hardest thing about high school was trying to find a date for homecoming that no one knew... *sigh*

now this is definitely an all time favorite of mine... i think this is the picture that I will forever freeze the memories of my classmates in... it's like our whole family in the yellow mud-machine.. i mean submarine... oh yes. all the memories are comin back now...

3 more days til home...

Thursday, November 18, 2004

curse the wretched puter!

i just hate it when i type happy things and then they disappear... so i was enlightening everyone with casey's costume for halloween.

yeeeeeeeeep, that's right. he is a pretty pretty princess... don't laugh :)

what i really meant to say... is i'm sorry for the way, i am....

so, it's finally thanksgiving break.. but here i am in houghton and i'll be here til tuesday.... i'm ready to go home. I miss my friends and my family... houghton is a far long ways away.

big projects are gettin to be due in, let's see now, ALL of my classes. that's just super.

ya know... all through high school I thought going to a small school was just about the curse of the universe... but i came up to college now, and i realize how much people really don't stay in contact with their friends from high school... and i'm the complete opposite of that. there is rarely a day when I don't talk to someone from big bad b-town. and, as i never thought i would admit this, i'm proud i was a laker... even if we do set parts of the town on fire occasionally..

keep it all in good fun.

Friday, November 12, 2004

here kitty, kitty, kitty....

and here we have pretty Kahlua, on a better note-- i got pictures to work... errr Adam did.

would i be really lame if i said this is my favorite photoshop filter? it's called cutout... no, kahlua really doesn't look quite like that!


i need to see some 28 degree action...

so we had the ski party kick off... my costume wasn't as successful as hoped... but the point is -- there isn't any snow :(

Brule opened today, I kinda wish I had gone -- but it's only one run open, so no big deal i guess. Miles traveled didn't equal fun to be had this time.

MY CAR GOT FIXED!! so the door handle broke about two weeks ago and Adam the adventurer fixed it today :) i was pumped.

no more updates.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


and a cha cha cha.

Today, is just a good day. I'm not sure why, because I have to work a ton -- but it really is. Turkey break is in two weeks, I'm pumped. I get to spend it with my two favorite boys... and the rest of my family.

I have butt loads (for real, butt loads) of homework to do. And I think I am turning over a new leaf for the last 3.5 weeks of the semester, I am going to be more studious... cuz I think my brain is ODed on school since I've been going for a year STRAIGHT.. yeah, the big not cool. But it's alright. And I loooooove houghton and it's gonna snow!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

long time no written words...

well well well, here we are. another day. another month. almost a different time period. I am in the 10th week of classes. way ready for it to be all over... but when wasn't i? I don't think I was ready for classes to start.......... o well.

other than that, life is really busy... i've got my job at perkins - and the pool. come winter i could have two more, whoa... and classes, now that's what i call busy :) hopefully it will be over soon. luckily i am takin time out this weekend to go visit alice in sault ste marie -- i'm pumped. i haven't seen her in forever...

stuck on meegan's birthday present -- if anyone has any ideas, hit me up...

Thursday, August 19, 2004

pist off

so i'm definitely disgruntled because i just realized that i should be getting pro forms (discounts) on all the burton and atomic stuff that i'm buying for snowboard season.... rar... k, i'm done.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

almost done!!

man o man. i just finished my last paper and i have one multiple choice exam at 8am tomorrow morn. It's practically over!! thank God! It couldn't have taken any longer. geez. newayz, i'm off to new and better things.. such as enjoying what LITTLE summer there is left. I should be making the journey home and numerous other locations, so look out, i could appear at a street corner near you!

Monday, July 26, 2004

vacation all i ever wanted...

hola.  and so my week goes.  adam is off at drummond island, i may be joining him come wednesday.  His family (brother, sister-in-law, best friend) were here this weekend and we did the normal tour of the keewenaw.  It was a grand time, I got to see some new stuff.  Plus we got to go kayaking out at Lily pond.  good times. good times.  Now everyone has left me for the island and I only have casey and kahlua as company.  rough life aye?  if it wasn't for these stupid classes... rar...  i just got down my mind-stumping paper.  I was fairly excited.  Now I should only have a few more things to do in preparation for skipping a couple of days.
i've decided my blog is nothing but a mindless ramble.  from now on I will try to at least come up with one productive thing to mention in my blahs... sorry for the bore... but in theory, i guess this is more for me than for you anyway..... hmmm

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

one of THOSE moods...


everything is gonna be alright
be strong, believe.
this may never start
we could fall apart
and i'd be your memory
lost your sense of fear
feelings insincere
can i be your memory?
get back back back to where we lasted
just like i imagined
i could never feel this way
get back back back to the disaster
my heart's beating faster
holding on to feel the same
don't say it'll stay this way forever

eyes are feeling heavy but they never seem to close
even tho ur next to me, i still feel so alone
i just can't give you anything for you to call your own
and i can feel you breathing and it's keeping me awake
can u feel it beating? my heart sinking, like a weight
keep your head up
it's all right in front of you
when they say wake up
you drank in the ridicule
all the sentimental memories you own
keep you trapt inside your room there all alone
There's a spring in my stride
There's a twinkle in my dying eyes
'Cos I'm holding my own
Give or take a tear or twoI
'm holding my own
No matter what I put myself through
i'm hold ing my own

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

my little hole in the wall...

so i've taken up the notion that nobody ever looks at this... so i think it will end up becoming more like a diary of the unknowing, that is assuming no one that reads this really knows me... saweet...
work sucks ass. i work @ Maurice's in retail and all of my co-workers (with the exception of one) are seriously petty and i think that makes them great for selling clothes.  i, however, have a hard time constantly complimenting people on something as materialistic as clothing.  but to be a hypocrit, my wardrobe has been gaining regular additions since my job.  what a loser i am.
random rant... ADAM... so this boyfriend of mine that happens to be totally awesome and way sweet is a senior and graduating this spring... far away, yes.... out of thought? no.  ya know when you're having those normal day to day conversations with a significant other and then something pertaining to the uncetainty of the future jumps in??  I know i feel really odd and shitty when that happens in this particular case scenario... then again, this could be something that is too far away to even think about but ya know... rar...
i miss megan...

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

reality tv

my next essay will be dealing with reality tv and how the lack of critique in today's society is suggesting the scary truth that maybe the masses really believe that reality tv is real... sounds fun eh?

speech topic.. informative speech. 3-5 minutes... hella harder than it seems, sometimes i feel like i just suck at school. oh well, here's to the deteriation of the brain. bravo

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

holy black flies...

so that trip to the porkies was cut super short... our first day of hiking was fun. we made it 7 miles into our 4 day trip. bugs weren't too terrible after we started a fire and it made for a good first night... however... on the second day when we got close to superior we were swarmed with black flies. the poor dog was covered... so we made the decision to hike the remaining 17 miles to the car... i thought i was going to die. ok, that could be a large exaggeration.. but seriously the flies were so bad at some points that i was in tears... yeah, only thing worse would be bees or wasps.. uck.

since we cut the trip short we were back in houghton early... unfortunately we were in bad shape from the all the hiking and fleeing from the stupid bugs... a lazy fourth of july that included movies was the right combo...

yesterday casey got a haircut... not a trim.. a shave... he definitely is an ugly dog... adam also picked a tick off of him last night. not cool. if i ever have a tick on me, i'll totally freak out. but casey didn't seem to pay it much mind.

thursday i give a speech on the similarities between myself and a bauer hockey skate... specifically the comparisons in my supportiveness and the skates' and also the same aggressive characteristic that we share... o yeah, hopefully not disasterous.

live dangerously... wear tights...

Thursday, July 01, 2004

to the porkies!!

oh yeah, off we go for the fourth of july to the porcupine mtns for a backpacking excursion. This trip will include casey, adam, and myself. sounds like a fun time... hopefully we'll get good weather and not eaten by bears :)

started classes this week... makes for a hectic schedule. turns out i have the same instructor for both classes which hasn't proven to be a bad deal yet... so that's good. it looks like i will have a lot more homework and preparation for these two classes than my two from last track.... my 8am is speech communication in which we are to focus on public speaking... talk about an eye opener and my 10am is popular culture. this class i believe will open up to a lot of discussion about current events and society reactions to those events.. i'm suprisingly excited :)

well i hope everybody enjoys the fourth and gets to see some awesome fireworks!! have fun.

Friday, June 25, 2004

one track down...

oh yeah, that's right... track A is officially done. I think my classes ended up going pretty well... i've got another movie out, it was my final project.. this one is a lot larger than the other so it may take a minute to download... but be patient... it is here.

classes start again on monday.. talk about education overkill... i think by the time christmas gets here i'll be ready to quit school and move out west.. again.. how ironic.

when all that stuff goes down the drain... what does it look like after it's been sitting there for an extended period of time... let me tell ya, ya don't wanna know.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

i'm going to quit my job and play frisbee golf...

yeah, so i need to do some homework but frisbee golf sounded way funner... funner, what a fun word.

weekend = good. my fam came up and it was cool. bridgefest was really fun, got to watch the fireworks and see the parade. way different from bear lake. very fun.

so seriously, this post has taken me over 45 mins to write. i guess that's a good sign to stop hey?

carpe cervasa!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

oh yesh, the first ever ARMY MOVIE!!!

that's right.. i've been workin my ass off in these classes it's about time i had something to show for it... so here is the first army movie. open it in quick time.

stay tuned because my final project is due next week and that is looking to be something else of the movie nature... :)

Sunday, June 13, 2004

for the love of the panopticon...

argh. so about these darn summer classes... i just found out that my friend who is also taking a revisions class but has a different instructor has THE EASIEST ride through... argh. i guess all they have to do is write one page responses to their discussions.... while my class has to write weekly journals, weekly essays, and present two presentations... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

money sucks.

i have two weeks left in class and before that time is up, i have to make a movie... with a plot... any creative ingenius would be appreciated... NOW...

Friday, June 11, 2004

i need to become a work-a-holic...

so i balanced my checkbook today... fun job... or not so much. i realized that the rate that i am spending my NOT EVEN EARNED YET cash is way out running the time between my deposits... waitressing... sigh.. do i ever miss the pier.. oh how i love that place...

my good ole casey boy is doin well, i got to seek and find new dog food for him... gosh it's hard to find good dog food now a days at a decent price. but i think i might have found the only one in the darn store that didn't have corn glutten meal as its first ingredient... uck... if only casey knew how much i care about his diet.

more and more i am contemplating this web design idea.. i've visited the site of the guy that has the monopoly of sites at my home town and i think i could do a pretty good job of making better sites than his.. so i think i'm gonna start with my mom and move up from there... thankfully, adam has offered to give me a hand in getting this thing started...

and thus ends my update.... peace yo.

Monday, June 07, 2004

87 and rising....

oh man. talk about a scorcher!! well, i'm back from the weekend. i twisted adam's arm and took him home with me... it was fun! hopefully he wasn't too bored out of his mind. we made it a quick trip, hit up a few grad parties (CONGRATS CHAD AND MARY) and even went biking. brought casey back so he got to see the new house. i think he likes it. plus, it stays really cool on hot days like today, so how saweet is that?? :)

the newest fun and exciting adventure was definitely the toilet back up last night.. yeah.. talk about a flooded bathroom.. ucky.. fixed today tho, sometimes our landlord is our knight in shining armor.

school is done in three weeks... figure that out... wow.


Tuesday, June 01, 2004

tra la la...

and so begins another week... mondays really suck.. even tho it is tuesday. at least it is a short week. plus, i'm headed home for the weekend... alright. casey will return :)

last night the whole gang hit up caleb's cabin up in eagle river for some quality grillin time. our crew moved down towards the water which proved to be an event because Nelson and Tony, the craziest kids i've ever met, decided it would be an awesome idea to take the canoe out. They roped caleb into it and thus the three of them set sail into freezing lake superior... haha.. yeah, you can only guess that they tipped. it was hilarious. but after their first misfortune they decided they had to do it again.. this time with more success.. i'll try to get some pictures. oh man :) good times in houghton... i love the summer. minus the whole class thing... blah.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

will it work?

blogging is an addiction... i admit, i have a problem...