Monday, July 26, 2004

vacation all i ever wanted...

hola.  and so my week goes.  adam is off at drummond island, i may be joining him come wednesday.  His family (brother, sister-in-law, best friend) were here this weekend and we did the normal tour of the keewenaw.  It was a grand time, I got to see some new stuff.  Plus we got to go kayaking out at Lily pond.  good times. good times.  Now everyone has left me for the island and I only have casey and kahlua as company.  rough life aye?  if it wasn't for these stupid classes... rar...  i just got down my mind-stumping paper.  I was fairly excited.  Now I should only have a few more things to do in preparation for skipping a couple of days.
i've decided my blog is nothing but a mindless ramble.  from now on I will try to at least come up with one productive thing to mention in my blahs... sorry for the bore... but in theory, i guess this is more for me than for you anyway..... hmmm

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