Needless to say Adam and I picked a flat each... Which is equivalent to 16 quarts of strawberries... Since I was in the kitchen being tempted by these great tasting treats, I decided to eat as many as humanly possible -- also not a good idea.
A few good things did come from strawberry picking... I learned online recipes aren't always accurate... proven by Adam trying to make jam with vinegar.. hmm. Fruit roll ups, when dried in the oven can break into a ba-jillion pieces. Dehydrating strawberries can be fun... when you can think of stuff to do with them afterwards.. and tummy aches from strawberries can be soothed by drinking lots of water. last but not least, using that ice cream topping that hardens when cold can be awesome on strawberries.
And, you can have a full top shelf in the fridge w/nothing but berries..
1 comment:
Okay - so I was going to send you this awesome picture of this HUGE bowl of fresh strawberries (about a flats worth) that I had to make you drool. And here you already have more than that. Oh well - enjoy them (they freeze preety good to, eh?)
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