Monday, March 06, 2006


Yay for school. Okay, not yay really, but for being a Monday it was a good day. Classes went well, no severe verbal lashings. I have a huge presentation/paper due for Italian culture next week, which is less than exciting, but we’ve got a good start on it.

After today, I’m beginning to feel less safe in Torino. Over the weekend one of my friends almost got jumped. He saw three guys coming towards him and one pulled a knife out in front of him. My friend, being a bigger guy, decided to act drunk and as the guy got closer grabbed his arm and forced it back on the knife bearer. The guy then stabbed himself in the shoulder and my friend proceeded to take that opportunity to grab his head and knee him. Sounds pretty fun, right? And today on the way home from school, Kim and Andrea were getting on the bus when I guy unzipped Kim’s backpack. Andrea saw it and zipped her bag up right away and gave this guy a severely evil look. If I had been there I’d a decked the guy, but alas, I missed it. Oh the joys of the city.

Well, that’s all for my update til tomorrow. Tomorrow is Italian cuisine and I have a TON of work to do today on my paper. So, buona notte! (good night)

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