Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I was semi productive today. I made a huge list of things to do yesterday and hw happened to be at the bottom. Today I feel I’ve accomplished the top of my list quite well.

This morning Casey and I went to see the Shroud of Turin. The duomo is different from other churches because there are guides that fill you in with interesting information. Unfortunately, these guide speak Italian, but I was able to understand enough to get a good grasp on what was going on. Then an English speaking family came up and the guide thought I would be able to translate. Well, I’m not so good at translating, just at sort of figuring out what was said. Oh well, I tried. The guide seemed to be impressed nonetheless.

We did learn some interesting things about the Shroud. Before now Casey and I had thought that there had only been one fire in which the Shroud was involved, but apparently there has been more than one. I made the mental note that the candles that you can light in this church are plastic instead of real. The shroud is 4.42 meters long which pretty huge. They have done testing that proves that the bloodstains were made from direct contact with blood. The body wrapped inside the shroud was definitely dead, but it did not undergo any decomposition. Pollen tests have confirmed that the shroud has passed through the regions of Palestine and the Middle East. It is quite an interesting thing that Shroud. I’m just not sure how likely it is for fabric to last for 2,000 yrs. That’s a really long time!

Not a lot else happened today. I made one of the recipes in my cookbook like a rockstar. :-) I’m proud. And tomorrow I’m going to do my best to crack down on the multitudes of work I have to do. And study for my Italian test on Thursday.

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