Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Today was the first day of real class. Three and a half hours of Italian was amazing. I feel like I am a big sponge. I do believe my teacher will turn out to be a great implanter of knowledge. My only worry now is that I won’t be able to find an Italian that will want to hear me squawk words that sound half right. Oy vey. Well, today I did fix the computer converter problem, turns out my computer has it’s own converter in the power cord and all I needed was a European plug to make it work. Now if I could only figure out where I could locate the wireless Internet, I would be in good shape. If you’re reading this online, then apparently, I found it.

I start writing for “A Student Abroad” (Tech’s parent newsletter) on the 16th of January. I really need to figure out everything by then. Plus it would be great to be able to post pictures on the Internet of stuff that I was seeing and doing.

this is the tallest viewing point in Torino... we are up at the top about 15 minutes after this was taken :)

This morning I got up so incredibly early, I couldn’t believe it myself. I hit the shower at 6:30am so that we could catch the bus at 7:45am in order to make it to school in time for the 9am class. Does that not sound a little psychotic? I think so. Tomorrow we need to leave at 7:30 am because we have found the shortestt bus route to school, but are too nervous to try and change it just yet.

Tomorrow I have two goals. I am going to find a map of Europe and decide what places I really want to see. Second, I’m going to ride around in the bus until I find a better route than the one I will be embarking on at 7:30 tomorrow morning. (Shoot me now.) Ok, maybe I have three; hopefully in my journey across the city, I will discover a wireless Internet cafĂ©. What a big day I have. At least I learned how to count today.

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