Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Today was an amazing day. I got up super early to be sure that I made it on time to the Olympic check in location and I was early. I met with a bunch of people who are part of the USOC (United States Olympic Committee) which I’m pretty sure is where I’m going to work someday. There weren’t a ton of volunteers today because it wasn’t a very busy day. The area I’m working in is called Team Processing and it’s the first place that the athletes go once they get off the plane. They pick up all of their uniforms for opening, closing, and medal ceremonies as well as information about Torino, their cell phones, their rings, and other random royalties that they are entitled to.

I did my best to make a good impression on the people in the committee and tried to find out as much information about their jobs as I could: if they liked them, how they got them, and etc. It was very interesting and the group of people in general is incredibly interesting.

I think I also weaseled my way into another job in the Olympics. After the team processing volunteer positions came out, they also made a request for drivers. I thought that it might be a cool idea, so I said I would do it. Well, I talked about it today and they mentioned that the driver coordinator was also in need of an assistant and wouldn’t ya know, I talked myself into that one. I met Jerry, the coordinator, this afternoon and he seems super cool and even willing to work with my school/traveling schedule. I’m pretty pumped. And I think it will be cool to drive a car around Torino. My mom, however, thinks I’m going to get in a car accident or something and thinks I’m not covered under car insurance, but I’m pretty sure they’ve done this enough to know what’s up. Maybe I’ll humor her and ask. :-)

Huh, well, I thought it would take me a lot longer to talk about that, but I think that might be pretty much it. I’m super jealous of all of the cool clothes that the athletes get and I’m pretty excited that I’ll have the opportunity to fit some professionals. Then I can watch the ceremonies and be like, “Yup, I handed that alpine sweater to that guy/girl.” *sigh*

Well, I’ve got some fun and exciting school tomorrow (boo). But then I’m headed back over to the processing area to meet more people affiliated with driving. Oh yes, the Olympic Committee will know exactly who I am in the next few weeks. Days like today always make me want to go out and find a way to get as cool of a job as the USOC people have. I don’t think it’s far out of my realm of possibility though. I found out about internships offered and that the USOC is based out of Colorado Springs… darn, huh? :-)

I am thoroughly exhausted and sleep is crawling into my eyes as we speak. Arrivederci!

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