Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Happy Birthday to my Meegan!!!

this time my away msg was too small to carry all my words!

happy birthday to my bestest friend in the whole wide world!!
who saved me from pink glasses and my wardrobe of sweat pants.
who rocked that whole igloo building back in mr. merriman's class.
who had so many damn girl scout patches that you could have built a small town out of them.
to the girls who got two holiday dinners because we had to go to both together!
to the girl who watched the frog get eaten by that big fat stuipd duck.
to the girls that spent hours and hours with beefcakes on the floating dock.
to all the rollerblading, the running and going to sweet papa bears!
to making pajama pants-- and other trips to ben franklin's for spur of the moment craft ideas.
who was the best "b" in softball that i've ever seen.
(btw, u have a very hot butt in the shortstop's opinion)
to my favorite pumpkin carver and best car driver i know ;)
(don't fall asleep anymore while driving)
from blue showers and fun dip to missing the call from A.Starr and those tight cowboy pants.
from ARCADIA HILL to all those late night phone calls about stupid boys.. oh man.
bumpin' in the blazer and singing the bad boy song at the top of our lungs all the way to TC town and back.
to pickin my ass up from the airport!
and we can't forget the fun times had in blue mtn :)
(I'm gonna miss that place this yr!)
to the best policewoman in training there will ever be!
i love you for everything meegan!
and most of all because we're every other year friends ;)
<3 always, a.starr