Monday, December 13, 2004

christmas card trauma...

i was really excited this year because i came up with a cute way to do my christmas cards (i sound really old...) but anyways, the picture i wanted required an outside shot and hopefully with a lot of snow... well, as most of you know, we haven't been getting any snow... and it sucks... but i finally just said heck with it and took the picture without the snow...

wouldn't you know that just hours after I had taken this picture on December 11th, the snow would fall and fall and fall and keep falling! and I was so upset that the snow came after I took my picture that I just wrote all my christmas cards in plain old cards cuz i'm a meiser... but i had to take another picture cuz i couldn't help myself...

hence, it is all because of my picture taking that we have snow now. Send all signs of gratitudes and sentiments to my house :) and most of all, enjoy the snow!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

happy belated birthday to me! :)

and a thanks to everyone who remembered :)

Luckily my mom didn't forget, although it came down to being questionable and meegan and i will get our cake!!! Hopefully we will each get our cake but THAT my dear friends, is another story...

The Bday was well spent -- minus the working part, BUT i did score free food out of that deal. so it's all good :) My one birthday wish didn't come true and that was being able to snowboard :( Turns out some stupid idiots decided to cut the snow gun hoses at Ripley and now the good riders of Houghton are not even able to hike the run before it opens. Horse nonsense I tell ya. Other than that, my birthday rocked :)

Classes are over on Thursday. This can be taken in good or bad light.. since i have two MAJOR projects due then. And I'm obviously hard at work on them because I am posting in my blog.. right.. but soon after I will be finished.

"If you never set goals, you can't regret not accomplishing them..." Yogi Berra

Thursday, December 02, 2004


A pirtate walks into a bar with the wheel of his ship sticking out of his pants. The bartender says, "Geez that must really hurt!" "Aahhrrrrrr!" the pirate replies. "It's driving me nuts!"

Garsh I love the pirate jokes...