Tuesday, June 23, 2009

St. Cloud Wedding Expo Proposed Website

St. Cloud Wedding Expo
Originally uploaded by lynndro
Follow up from the logo, this site is designed to allow vendors, brides, friends and family of the couples, and wedding planners with the resources to provide and receive goods and services associated with weddings.

My concern with this design lies primarily in the choice of colors. I feel that not everyone would see green and pink as wedding colors, but then again, some brides choose purple! :-) The main goal is to provide information for the event. Where, when, who, how to sign-up, etc. The main buttons or calls to action should help direct site visitors to the proper place on the website.

So my question for you is would this site appeal to you? As either a person who has had a wedding, been involved in planning a wedding, or just likes weddings in general?

THX in advance for your help! :-)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Elephant Line, please?

Pretty impressed by the foresight of Paul Middlewick who in 1988 spotted "the elephant" in the tube lines, stations, and junctions on the London Underground map. Pretty neat. These would make awesome framed images for transportation/animal enthusiasts :-)

To see/learn more (or buy a really cool t-shirt) stop by Animals on the Underground.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Logo Feedback Needed, plz :-)

Goal: Design a logo to represent a wedding expo in the Saint Cloud, MN region.

Audiences: Primary audiences are wedding product and service vendors. Secondary audience includes brides, wedding planners, friends and families of brides, etc.

Thoughts? I'm wrestling with whether or not the audience region will be content with just the SC (St. Cloud) reference or if the state name should be included. I could tell you what I'm leaning toward, but that might make you biased! :-) Also looking for other feedback regarding the idea, colors, typeface, etc.


Monday, June 08, 2009

Casey; still the best dog in the world...

So the love of my life, Casey (aka Bear, boozel, boooger, Casey Jones, Falkor) is 13 as of May 28th 2009. Now it is my closely-held belief that he is hands down the best dog in the world and usually he proves me correct through his interactions with other people, dogs, and experiences --until last week.

During a nice evening we headed out to our secret fishing location and happened on a sailboat tied up right over our favorite spot (bummer). But alas, we moved down and still did alright on the fish count. However, sailboat owner came to take his boat out while we were fishing and approached Casey with a confidence that most people don't usually show when approaching a dog that they've never met before. I noticed this, but didn't think much of it because, well, he IS the best dog in the world and would never harm a human or otherwise (for pete's sake he rescued a baby rabbit that would have died by carrying it to my mom in his mouth!!!!!). So sailboat owner approaches Casey and places (doesn't give, but places) his hand on Casey's snout, for what I'm assuming is the sniff-check. He then pets Casey on the head and looks up to talk to me. At this point, he retracts his hand slightly and Casey snaps his jaws together and growls. He didn't bite him, just got a little crabbie. I apologized to the man who told Casey, "Wow, I almost thought you were the most mellow dog I've ever met!"

I was kinda bummed thinking that at Casey's young age of 13 that he was getting grumpy and his hearing was going and his sight isn't the best so maybe he just made a mistake.. until I stumbled upon this quote from Plato....
"The disposition of noble dogs is to be gentle with people they know and the opposite with those they don't know... How, then, can the dog be anything other than a lover of learning since it defines what's its own and what's alien."
...and in reading that, I found my peace with the situation and my still-perfect dog who must have felt that the sailboat guy was a bit off.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Holy Cats that is Cool!

I am currently being super impressed with this awesome resume/info graphic! If I had more time, I would lay out my life like this... maybe someday :-)

Monday, June 01, 2009

Giugno! (June!)

I can't believe it's June already.. Should I mention that the heat was on in my house this morning? Yeah, that's crazy. Dear UP, when will you finally warm up? I suppose I can't complain too much because we've been able to enjoy the sun SOME days, just not nearly enough...

Anyway, I have some more lengthy blog updates for later this week, but until then, I'm quite content to keep looking at this photo and think about summer :-)
Photo from ffffound