Tuesday, February 24, 2009

and I quote...

"Life is like a ten-speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use." -- Charles Schultz

I feel like this statement is especially true right now. I've got so many interests pulling me all over the map and only a few outlets at which I can direct them. Guess I'll just keep hoping for more hours in the day and a secretary :-)

Monday, February 23, 2009

The road to hell...

"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions." - Augusten Burroughs

photo courtesy of fffound

Friday, February 20, 2009

37 miles in and we are already losing parts of the car... 16 hrs to go!

Ottawa or Bust!!
Originally uploaded by lynndro
Went to Ottawa last weekend and the gas station in Baraga left us with missing pieces of our car. Luckily they held on to the piece until we went back through on Monday. I think they got a kick out of it more than anything!

Pictured here is good ole' Greg who found the unreliable piece of plastic and talked the gas station people into holding it for us.

Ottawa was a blast. Flickr will have Ottawa updates soon and thus, the blog will also. Stay tuned! :-)

Monday, February 09, 2009

Playing chess on Lake Superior...

Originally uploaded by igmaino
Yeah, don't make fun of our pastimes this winter. Casey and I are that cool.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Downtown Houghton today.

Downtown Houghton today.
Originally uploaded by lynndro
Houghton, Michigan through a bit different perspective. In the reflection you can see the historic building that now houses the Cyberia Coffee House. You can also See Jason's shirt on the right hand side, my shirt on the left and the outline of Jason's phone that I used to take the picture.

My artistic perspective on Houghton for the day...

Kettu is learning about new technologies...

Kettu decided to give computer networking a try. He will be formerly enrolled in Network Administration starting in the fall... so proud. :-)

Friday, February 06, 2009

Three layers of yummyness!

The Irish Times in Laurium, Michigan is a fine establishment of refined taste and Irish mayhem. Sydney and Michael are in town for Winter Carnival so we stopped by after enjoying a fine Mexican dinner at Carmelita's. Sydney used to work at The Irish Times and a reunion of sorts ensued.

The establishment itself is tastefully decorated and the bar that you can see in the picture is artwork itself, done by a local artist. The artist also painted one of the walls and added the most interesting brick-like texture that appeared to "come out of" the paint. It's hard to describe but it appeared as if the wall was brick and just had a few spots left untouched. A very cool effect.

We spoke with the owner "McCormak" who came over from Ireland ages ago and told us about his Irish ancestry.

Overall, the night was great!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Warmest temp since November!

So today in Marquette it was, as you can see, 32 degrees. By the time we drove back to Houghton, it was in the 20s we had a 5-foot visibility the whole way and the roads were crap...

I'm glad I snapped the picture and I hope the thermometer wasn't a fluke because I really don't know when it's going to be freezing or above this winter...

Happy Superbowl everybody! We'll be enjoying a spread of wings, dips, venison chili, AND MORE!