Wednesday, October 19, 2005

halfway through...

School... sucks.. but everything else is goin great! I can't wait to get on the plane to Italy!! I might even start preparing a little bit more for what cultural/language differences might await me. I've been told that may be a smart idea... haha..

As for everything else, I think I'm kinda bummed that I'll have to miss a winter in Houghton. I hear this one is going to be a doozey based on the above average temp of Lake Superior. Sounds like many a days at Bohemia! :(

On the highest note of my semester, I'm in this journalism class.. and if our stories are good enough, they get posted in the Houghton newspaper -- The Daily Mining Gazette. So far, my article on the Keweenaw Brewing Company was published and turns out my article on new mountain biking courses will be in this saturday!! I'm two for two!

Well, that's all i've got for now.. sorry these updates are lame and less exciting :( I'll work on that..


Anonymous said...

pretty soon the biggest highlight of your semester better be seeing your two best friends together the weekend of Nov. 11 at LSSU! :) I love you!

Matt said...

I ALMOST speak Italian, so if you need some basic phrases such as "Cool shoes" or "Where is the nearest bar?", let me know.