Tuesday, July 20, 2004

my little hole in the wall...

so i've taken up the notion that nobody ever looks at this... so i think it will end up becoming more like a diary of the unknowing, that is assuming no one that reads this really knows me... saweet...
work sucks ass. i work @ Maurice's in retail and all of my co-workers (with the exception of one) are seriously petty and i think that makes them great for selling clothes.  i, however, have a hard time constantly complimenting people on something as materialistic as clothing.  but to be a hypocrit, my wardrobe has been gaining regular additions since my job.  what a loser i am.
random rant... ADAM... so this boyfriend of mine that happens to be totally awesome and way sweet is a senior and graduating this spring... far away, yes.... out of thought? no.  ya know when you're having those normal day to day conversations with a significant other and then something pertaining to the uncetainty of the future jumps in??  I know i feel really odd and shitty when that happens in this particular case scenario... then again, this could be something that is too far away to even think about but ya know... rar...
i miss megan...

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