Tuesday, May 02, 2006

my ketchup.. with an emphasis on MY


Returning to Torino is always a welcome feeling at first. Knowing how to get from the train station to home, where all that stuff that makes up ones life, is somewhat comforting. After a few short hours, the glamour seems to wear off. Today I woke up and decided to make myself some eggs. I was excited, I hadn’t had eggs in days. Since I’ve been here I’ve been cooking eggs quite a bit, and for lack of better food to use ketchup on, eggs became the target. I know that sounds gross and disgusting and yadda yadda yadda, but it’s really not that bad… The trick is, finding the right ketchup. It’s easy to find knock offs of tomato slop and grossness like that, but Heinz ketchup cannot be substituted. A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to stumble on a SQUEEZE Heinz ketchup bottle at the local superstore, Carrefour. This was pretty much like winning the lottery. No more messing with the glass bottles that I can never seem to control. It’s always boat loads of ketchup, or a half an hour tapping on the darn neck of the bottle. As I searched for MY squeeze ketchup bottle, distinguishable because I’m the only one that has one, I realized, “huh – my ketchup bottle is nearly empty…” Now, I’m pretty good about sharing things.. I even share my favorite chocolate mini eggs, but when I want ketchup on my eggs and my entire ketchup is nearly gone, that’s it. In anger I made a rather harsh sign along the lines of “don’t use my ketchup.” In retrospect, I think it was still one heck of a good idea. And now I have to go buy ketchup.

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