Saturday, May 13, 2006

off and running...


Mommie Mommie Mommie!! She’s finally here and I’m so excited! But I do hope today doesn’t lay the foundation for the rest of our travels…

My mom was supposed to get in at 2:10pm so I checked the little schedule that we had from the time that we went and picked Al up at the airport. So we headed to the train station to catch the train and were told that the only train from the airport left from a different station. We realized that our schedule had been strictly a schedule for the Olympics where the trains serviced more parts of town.

Being as smart as I am, I didn’t leave excess time because I figured we’d done this before and it wouldn’t be a problem.. smart huh? So, we hopped the next train to the correct station, which went surprisingly easy and then made it to the correct station that the airport train departed from. The next train, however, left the station three minutes after my mom’s plane was supposed to touch down. Since we didn’t have much of a choice, we waited. After sitting on the train for what felt like forever, we got to the station “Caselle.” This is surprising similar to the Caselle Airport and I figured that we were there. I jumped off the train, ignoring Casey’s doubts, because it sure didn’t look like where we had unloaded before and low and behold, we were in the town of Caselle with little to no idea as to where the airport was.

We went upstairs and spoke to the information desk and now that we were really late, I was getting pretty edgy. The lady was really nice and told us it was the next stop that we wanted and the next train didn’t come for half an hour. Being in the good mood that I was, I asked for the number to call a taxi and then yelled at the taxi people because I didn’t know my phone number when they asked for it. They told me I could tell them what it was in English, but I just decided to tell them that I still didn’t know what it was, even in English.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity for a taxi, one arrived – with the meter already running – and we made it to the airport 40 minutes after my mom’s plane was scheduled to arrive. I did a quick once over the sitting area and the arrival board said the plane landed 30 minutes after it’s scheduled time. *phew*

The plane was unloading as we stood there so we just waited… and waited… and waited.. I got nervous and went to look around the airport again without any luck. Eventually a man came over and realizing our distress, asked if we were waiting for the Paris flight, we said we were, then he said his friend had called him from inside the terminal and there were some missing bags. Gaarreat, I thought. This was the second person to come to visit me and the second time they had lost their luggage. So I did exactly what I did last time, walked into the “no entry” door and went to find my mom.

Unfortunately the guard caught me this time, he didn’t last time, and tried to inquire as to what I thought I was doing. I told him I was just going back and that I had already come that way. He asked for my ticket and I said it was with my mom, whom I saw standing by the baggage counter. Then he let me go.. ha.. I love Italian security.

It was great to see my mom. It was not so great to have to deal with baggage people again. Last time they said they could call before they dropped off the bag. They didn’t and then expected us to be there.. right.. So this time I tried to verify that they would call and the woman said that wasn’t her area, it was the courier’s. thanks a lot …… oh well.

This evening we went to apertivo with some of my friends – for the last time. I will end up missing everyone by the time I get back, as some are leaving for home and some are headed out to do their own Europe adventures. It was sad.

Tomorrow my mom and I take off at 7am for Venice. It’ll be a crazy wild whirlwind, and I can’t wait. Well, that’s it. I’m bed bound – long time between updates now – I’ll try to keep good notes. ;)

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