Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Can you believe that in just five short days I will only have four months left in Europe? Whoa. It feels like I have been here forever, but not nearly long enough at the same time. Today was a good day. The sun was shining, you could see the Alps and they are amazing. I am kind of worried about this city warming up since the scent of smog and dog poo has already infiltrated everything I own. If we throw body odor into the mix, I’m not sure my senses will be able to handle it.

I feel kind of lame today; I didn’t do a whole lot. We heard the sales at the stores are to be ending soon, so I decided that a shopping trip was in order. I went down Garabaldi, the street I live very close to and couldn’t find one thing that was in my price range and my style. Maybe I’m just not Italian enough for clothes shopping yet.

Tomorrow I get to play some more Olympic games, hehe. I’ll be checking in with my driving supervisor in the morning and doing some more processing after that. I am looking forward to it. Plus, I’ll be working closely with an Italian who doesn’t know much English and I’m hoping this will help me with my language a bit. Maybe we can help each other out.

Ah well, so the day goes. I still need to carry my notebook around because there is a ton of random stuff that I wish I could remember on a daily basis. But for now, it’s bedtime. Arrivederci!

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