Saturday, February 18, 2006


Holy intermission in my ramblings. I blame Al, we have been traveling and I haven’t wanted to lug my computer around Italy just so I could write in my journal. I’ll try to recall the events the best I can.

First off, if I tend to be writing with an Irish accent it’s because I just finished Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt on the train and I haven’t quite found my writing abilities yet.

Last Wednesday, I guess that was only four days ago, we went to men’s moguls! It was the greatest. I must admit I enjoyed it more than speed skating just because the whole atmosphere was different. They played music to pump up the athletes and got the crowd going a lot which was quite different from the speed skating arena where they kept telling us they needed silence during the start. I took a bunch of videos and as soon as I remember to ask adam for a place to put them online, I will send out the link so if you’re bored you can check em out.

Aside from that, Al and I went to Aosta to snowboard/ski at Pila yesterday. It was a pretty good time but the part we really wanted to ski wasn’t open because of all the snow they received the day before and the day we were there. Al thought it would be a good time to ski in an avalanche and luckily my senses and I talked him out of it. It was damp and cold for most of the day but the falling snow made up for it even if we did call it a day a wee bit earlier than we normally would.

Today we got back into Torino a little after the noon hour and we head out tonight at 10pm for Naples. We’ll spend the whole night on the train and arrive at 9am tomorrow morning. Might I add that these train tickets usually costing 60 euro one way will be a whopping 20 euro round trip because I’m awesome at bargains. Wahoo! This does mean a few more intermissions to my ramblings are in the near future, but do not fret because I will have stories galore when I get back. Might I add that Naples is said to be thief capital of Italy. Yay………….. lol.


Anonymous said...

The THEIF CAPITAL? your stuff like crazy then. I would hate for you to have anything stolen. Be on the lookout and remember your ninja skills..that should keep your stuff safe! ha ha. Anyways, I miss you a lot and am glad you're having such a good time over there! You are so lucky to see those events! Hey...I want a t-shirt from the Olympics...what can you do about that for me? I can send money or something. :) We'll talk!

Anonymous said...

yeha, I want one too.. oh wait, when Al gets back to the country, there will be one in the US for me, in Michigan even, just not my county I reside in. I dont really like Al anymore, what happend to day 8, 9, 10, 11 and etc. :( ha ha.. hope your having a great time.. :)
luv ya bunches