Monday, March 27, 2006


I think Garfield the cat said it best with, “I hate Mondays.” Today my disease decided that I was not allowed to even think about class and that scratching my arms off would be way better. Also, today fall registration opens up at Tech and the time difference prohibits me from being online when my chance to register begins. As the day went on I zipped my backpack open and the zipper fell off in my hand.

I went to see the program directors about my disease and then told me that Doctors didn’t operate on any sort of rapid schedule, so it might be awhile before we can get stuff figured out to the point that I could actually see a doctor. Sounds like fun. Danielle luckily made the first of possibly many appointments for tomorrow and he promised to go with me so I wasn’t stuck with a language barrier. I’m feeling better about my Italian skills but the whole conversation about itching and being disease ridden hasn’t come into my vocabulary yet.

Genova on Wednesday :-)

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