Thursday, March 30, 2006


I don’t like doctors back in the US but government provided healthcare in Italy really sucks. This morning I made it to the doctors with a different translator, Claudia, and sat in the waiting room for a solid 25 minutes. Then we were redirected to another waiting room; apparently it was our lucky day, we proceeded to wait for an hour. Upon being called into the room and trying desperately to understand what Claudia was saying, I was diagnosed with spider bites and eight minutes later, I was back in the rest of the hospital. No wonder people look so sick over here.

The doctor, quack that she was, prescribed me injections so that the spider bites wouldn’t get infected and some type of lotion for my arms, and an oil also for my arms. Now I’ve had spider bites before and I’m pretty sure I haven’t suffered any permanent damage. The idea of being prescribed injections definitely freaks me out. You’d think they would give me an injection while I was there, but no, I have to go get shots from the pharmacist. Do you think they actually give me the shot? Or do you think they send me home with some syringes? Needless to say, I’ve also decided that it would take hell freezing over for me to get these prescriptions filled. I’m also giving up on my bed and sleeping in my sleeping bag. If I had a tent, I’d probably feel better.

Erin and I hung out for the remainder of the day. We did some more chocolate festival; I bought a lot of souvenirs and figured out how to get to the wrong airport in Milano. Thankfully I figured out it was the wrong airport before I was on the bus there. Tomorrow we catch a train to Milano early in the AM so we can be in Scotland by 3pm. From there, who knows! But I’m really looking forward to it!! Maybe I’ll be able to forget Italian healthcare.

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