Friday, April 21, 2006


Today was a gorgeous day in Torino. I made a trip to the market and sat around like a lazy bum. Ok, I sat in the park and did some “research” for my paper due at the end of the semester.. If you could call it that. My paper is about dogs in Italy, so my research consisted of observations and picture taking.. rough day, as you might have guessed. I’m pretty pumped I’m on the project, mostly because I’m a silly kid like that.

My mom sent me a bunch of John Grisham books to read awhile back. However, she knows that I usually can’t stand John Grisham, but I’ve come to the point that they’re my only books left and must admit that I’m thoroughly enjoying them.. how does she do that…

I also got wind of Jeff wanting to make a trip to Nice, France this weekend after his mom and grandma leave. I’m planning on joining him and really looking forward to it. I’ve heard that area is particularly touristy, so we might be sleepin on the beach, could be a good time.

Well, it’s late and I’ve got some sit ups to do. Ciao!

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