Thursday, April 27, 2006


This evening I had the honor of talking to Laura for about two hours. It was fantastic. We caught up on everything going on in both of our lives and had a little time to play online. Next time we’re on together we will be partaking in some sort of online poker tournament. Hehe We compared our itching stories since she has syrasis – spelling is not right on that one – so we both go through the horror and trauma everyday. Yeah for us.

Today I woke up in a bad mood since I discovered I had been bit again and tore my bed away from the wall, much to seth’s surprise. Then we decided to clean and rearrange and discovered what looked like a termite infestation.. or at least like some bugs that really liked the wood of the floor right under my bed. We noticed a few more instances around the house and in our own room, but mine was by far the worst. There is no telling whether these little buggers are the culprits of the many biting crimes committed against me, but needless to say, my bed is on the other side of the room now. I guess we’ll see.

And today I spoke with my security guard friend again. Up until now, I had been addressing him formally with “Signore” but he told me yesterday that I was to call him by his name, Mimo, from now on. Yay! I have a 50 year old Italian friend, score!

On the bus this afternoon I was just riding along when I head the sure sounds of the Engish language. I turned and saw a group of about 8 lads that were approximately my age speaking with an older gentleman, probably the teacher, about something I could not hear. Well, they were speaking English and weren’t scowling like the rest of the bus so I struck up a conversation and learned that they were auto design students from the UK. Yay for English!

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