Saturday, April 29, 2006

off to cinque terre!!


Holy out of shape am I. This morning I woke up unable to move my right arm. Apparently playing Frisbee at large distances isn’t favorable to my arm…. and back… but, ya know, it’s probably good for me or some jazz like that.

Other than that, it’s been a pretty uneventful day. Jefferino and I booked a hostel for tomorrow night in Cinque Terre, so I will make it there J and we played rummy. I lost really bad.

We went to the market this morning. Saturday is by far the busiest day of the week. I always love the market, but I hate some of the sleazy people there. Today we went with Jeff but just so happened to lose him about 7 minutes into the busiest section. Casey and I tried to finish up without incident, but one guy was “trying to sell jewellery” or perhaps looking for a pocket to pick, and another guy just kept trying to speak to us in English and kept saying that we were beautiful. He put his hand on my shoulder and I turned to look at him and told him to back off… with a bit more colorful language. I often find myself wondering how Italian women deal with this sort of thing… I can’t say I’ve ever noticed it, but I sure would like to witness the whole ordeal and maybe take notes.

The weather was beautiful today. This made us want to play more Frisbee, but after 30 excruciating minutes, I let Casey take my place for awhile. After that Casey and I walked around for a while and watched people stare at our sandaled feet and lack of heavy clothing. Italians are weird.

This evening I took some pictures of myself in a bathing suit. Wow, how depressing. I think I’m going to start fasting…

Tomorrow morning our train leaves at 9:05am. I still don’t have a thing packed and it’s almost 1am, so I’m going to catch some zzz’s so I can get up early to pack.


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