Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Back to my two days of school per week.. I realized that next week I don’t have class again until Wednesday. This is seriously annoying.. why can’t it be all in one shot? Geez louise. I like going to school, but it’s hard when there are such big gaps between classes, I have a hard enough time recalling what we learned the day before let alone the week before… Yes, I do realize that this is a very strange complaint.

Ever since I was investigating opening a bank account, I have walked past a branch of San Paolo everyday on my way to catch the bus to school. When I first went there I required the help of the security guard to figure out to whom I could talk to about my banking. Since the weather has warmed up, the security guard has been outside the bank and we have turned out to be good friends. Friends meaning that I say “Ciao Signore” every time that I go by. Since my lack of school and plethora of vacation, I haven’t been to the bus stop and haven’t run into him. Today he was outside and was noticeably happy to see me. He took my hand and asked if everything was going well. I was happy to see that I finally made a friend who doesn’t work at some sort of food place.. Casey and I have a similar relationship with the crepe man, the owner of the café across the street and the guys that work at the kebab. After a while, being friends with people who sell food is a bad idea… Plus it’s nice to know that my block is being protected.. even if it’s a little far away from my house.

Today I did the unthinkable – I made lasagne! I have never had to make lasagne since I’ve been very fortunate to have my mother and adam who are excellent at it. However, I figured since I was in Italy it was fitting that I try it on my own – plus I bought that cookbook in Scotland with a good recipe with zucchini and mushrooms. There was a lot of preparation and thankfully no tears, until I had to eat it. Nah, it wasn’t that much of a lost cause. I do think that it needed more cheese, it ended up being a bit on the dry side. I suppose it wouldn’t be true lasagne unless I screwed it up at least once. I’ve even seen Adam screw up lasagne.

To offset my addiction to gelato, chocolate, and nutella crepes, I have been trying to exercise at least a little bit each day. I’ve brought myself up to 500 crunches per day and some other muscle workers such as lunges, wall sits and trunk rotations. Mostly my exercise regimen is what I can remember from ski team callisthenics… I would give up chocolate, gelato and nutella crepes if I had a bike to ride instead of my snowboard, which makes a nice decoration for the corner of my room.

Well, I’m off to start a new book. And wish for megan to call me :)

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